Dev Diary #9: Atlantica
Hello, everyone. Megan here—editor of Atlantic Forum’s recently launched Atlantica—taking over the developer diaries this week. Last month, John wrote about Our Views, where we republish earlier work of our patrons. Today I am going to talk a bit about our own publication, Atlantica!
But first, a little bit about me: I am an American editor and researcher working at a think tank in Istanbul, Turkey, for the past five years. My research interests include civil-military relations, US-Turkey relations, and international order. As I love editing and helping authors develop and polish their writing (especially when we’re discussing transatlantic security!), I am pumped to start working with Atlantica and the lovely team and patrons of the Atlantic Forum.
In case you haven’t gotten around to checking out Atlantica, we are a monthly online magazine of and for young professionals (age 18–35) discussing transatlantic and foreign policy issues. Recognizing that young professionals often go unheard in the policy community, we hope that our contributors become a strong voice for both change and continuity, breaking hardwired, outdated ideas on foreign policy and transatlanticism when needed while also upholding the democratic values enshrined in the Washington Treaty.
While our objectives and topics are closely synchronized with NATO’s objectives, we are seeking contributors who offer unique perspectives from inside and outside the NATO/security box. We want to hear fresh, articulate insights from young rock stars in the security and policy fields, as well as students and academics, just like you! Contributors should be willing to voice their own opinions and take intellectual risks.
Could you be one of our first contributors? Of course! Atlantica is open to all patrons of the Atlantic Forum. (Not a patron yet? Go sign up and get a great deal on early YTLN membership.) As we are constantly expanding Atlantic Forum’s programs, activities, and team, writing for Atlantica is a great way to get involved in the early stages of development. We are excited to see what our patrons have to contribute to our community.
While our topic list has already been planned for the year, we will announce a call for abstracts (max. 250 words) two months in advance of an issue’s publication. Authors whose abstracts are selected will have two weeks to submit a full draft (3,000 words) of their article.
Our first issue of Atlantica, “NATO at 70 and the Resilience of the Transatlantic Alliance,” amplifies two topics that are fundamental to NATO’s founding: the transatlantic partnership and NATO’s multinational operations and missions. We are looking for three contributors to write about one of each of the respective subthemes: (NATO’s) 70th anniversary, NATO’s efforts in Afghanistan, and the partnership between the US and Europe.
If one of these topics doesn’t excite you, we’ll be waiting for you to submit your abstracts for one of the other calls in the coming months – check out the complete topic list here! In the meantime, make sure to keep checking our website, Facebook, and Twitter so you don’t miss any news or updates on Atlantica, and join the Atlantic Forum as a patron here!
The first issue of Atlantica will be released on September 1.