Dev Diary #19: Meet the Team

Hello everyone!

At the beginning of this month we talked about entering phase 2, and the differences between our plans from earlier this year and the actual outcome. One field we greatly outperformed our conservatve expectations is the growth of the core team of Atlantic Forum.

We currently have 5 of the positions filled, with an open vacancy for the 6th. Originally we did not plan on having any formal staffers, and expected to develop AF in a slower pace on the availability of time and resources of Igor and myself [John]. When it turned out that NATO PDD wanted to move faster on the Atlantica publication we of course did not oppose that, and with a financial benefit on taxes we also were able to hire a social media manager. What does the team look like currently?

We devided the team into two groups of 5: The Steering Committee and the Staff. Members of the Steering Committee are fully voluntarily committing time and resources to Atlantic Forum. In return they get a small travel allowance (EUR 200,- a month) as they are expected to represented Atlantic Forum abroad. Together they decide on the direction the Atlantic Forum is developing (like pushing forward into an updated phase 2). The steering comittee is chaired by the Director (me) and is a shared position with the Director position of Pantheon, due the financial decision power that the position brings. In the long term we seek to remove this connection.

The other 5 positions are staffers dedicated to specific tasks or projects. We expect them to invest roughly 8 hours per week into Atlantic Forum (half a weekend day and a few hours during the week). For this they receive a small stiped (EUR 200,- a month), in the long term we aim to make these position proper full/parttime FTEs.

So who is in now?

Steering Committee:
Director: Captain John Jacobs (Dutch), working for the Netherlands Armed Forces
Communications: Vacant
Finance: Vacant
Secretariat: Vacant
Partnerships: Dr Igor Merheim - Eyre (Britsh-Slovak), working for the International Republican Institute (IRI) in Brussels.

Magazine Editor: Megan Gisclon (American), working for the Istanbul Policy Center in Istanbul
Community Manager: Raluca Andreea Manea (Romanian), International Public Affairs at the University of Bucharest / Diplomacy and International Organizations at the European Academy in Warsaw
Academy Director: Sante Alessandro Fiorellini (Italian), Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance
High School Program Director: Open Vacancy ->
Transatlantic Incubator: Vacant


Dev Diary #20: Patron Only


Dev Diary #18: A Place to Call our Own