Dev Diary #6: Proto Academy: Simulations
A quick extra Dev Diary this week on Simulations while we are touring through Europe as part of the "The Launch" that we wrote about last week.
Part of the Launch are three simulations that we will be joining and observing - and you might wonder why we are doing that. Based on our experience in the past few years, we found that simulations are probably the best way to teach. You will better understand a certain organization's procedure, or the context of a certain problem, by having to figure out how to get out of a situation yourself. Experiencing the limitations of your actions (because of mandates, rules/procedures), or being frustrated by ethical dilemmas help you understand the context in which the organization has to operate. NATO and it's associated instutions are no different in this.
Following our roadmap, we will set up an Academy in the later half of 2019 and actively persue the organization of simulatons.
What can you expect?
Bonn Conference (2001)
A simulation of decision making around the creation of ISAF following the first invocation of Article 5 (we did one of these in the Netherlands)
Dayton Accords (1995)
A simulation of the creation of the Dayton accords. Hosted by the US in Dayton, Ohia, representatives of the waring parties in Bosnia came together and settled on an agreement outlining the future of Bosnia Herzegovina
North Atlantic Council
A simulation of NATO's principle decision making organ. Making decisions with 29 people is difficult, especially when you have to do so in concensus!
NATO Parliamentary Assembly
NATO's largest non-official institution, the NATO PA brings together political spokespersons from NATO member and partner states. An excellent way to understand what decision power lies with the North Atlantic Council, and what lies at your political instutions at home.
Crisis Management Excercise (CMX)
For 25 years NATO has been organizing crisis response excercis, do you think you can solve high stake issues under time pressure?
Do you have any suggestions for other simulations or would you like to get involved with setting up the academy? Get in contact by sending an email to
Check back on June 17th as we discuss Our Views, a republication service we offer to our patrons!