Youth Climate Security Talks 2022

Patrons of our community are invited to join a two-sessions online masterclass on climate security, powered by Defensity College.

Dates: November 17 & December 1

For registrations:


Session 1 (17 November): 

  • Introduction climate security –Luitenant-General ret Richard Nugee (Former Non-executive Climate Change and Sustainability Strategy Lead UK Ministry of Defence).

  • Military tactical implications of climate change –Vice-Admiral ret Ben Bekkering (Former Netherlands Military Representative to NATO and EU).

  • Operational advantage of renewable energy technolgies – Bart Zwiep (Innovation Manager Royal Dutch Army).

  • Canada’s Contribution to Combatting Climate Change and Security – Albert Chan

  • Start of the Challenge: How to climate proof military organisations?

Between session 1 and 2:

If interested to participate in the challange, you are assigned to a military “climate security” expert and an international team of military youth to think of ideas how to climate proof military organisations. You are given the possibility to present your ideas to an expert panel on 1 december. Finally we will discuss how we can make the ideas of the different teams into reality.

Session 2 (1 december)

  • How to climate proof military organisations? – General (ret) Tom Middendorp (Former Chief of Defence NL, Chair International Military Council on Climate and Security).

  • Ideas presented by military youth from NL, UK and CA.

  • Discussion about presented ideas with General Middendorp and participants.


Call for Papers: Atlantica, Volume 4, Issue 5


Call for Papers: Atlantica, Volume 4, Issue 4